Monday, July 12, 2010

New pics

So the pictures are quite out of order. But there are too many of them for us to reorder them, sorry. Hope you enjoy them :)

Calligraphy at Naadam festival (it says Jessica in ancient Mongolian.. and has a poem)


Horse race in the countryside for Naadam. The horse riders are between 5-7 years old.

Our itinerary for our Gobi trip.

Laurence and Amy



Us, really bored, cause there were no surgeries.

Yvonne, Matt, Jess, Tom, Bank/Ben dancing to Shakira's "This time for Africa"

Parachuters at Naadam opening ceremonies.

Crowd at Naadam

Tamblyn wearing his mommy's flowery hat.

Catherine and Jess with a neon shamrock singing Irish drinking songs.

The group from a distance in Hustai National Park.

2 of the 260 wild horses in existence.

The twins in awesome jackets.

Gers in Hustai National Park.

"Sheep fur" on our way to Hustai. (Kelvin and Scott)

Jess, Kelvin and Scott playing frisbee on our lunch break on our way to Hustai.

Pretty landscape

Traditional outfits in Sukhbaatar square during Naadam.

Military in Sukhbaatar for Naadam.

Catherine and Scott sword fighting (drunkenly) with glow sticks.

Thilde as Lady Gaga

Jess as Lady Gaga

Tom and Catherine


Mathilda, Jess, Catherine and Scott

Matt and Jess atop a mountain at Hustai. (Best pic ever... we are entering it in the weekly photo competition)

Cool action shot of Mathilda.

The diagram that Laurence and Amy made us to explain the PDA surgery.

Cutest kid ever! See blog for details.

Mathilda attempting to cut chicken. As you can see Jess gave up helping and was taking pictures.

Jess in her cooking outfit.

Rachel and Jess.

Mathilda and Ali!

Mae and Mathilda

Our apartment building

In the countryside for Naadam horse racing.


Cute baby at Naadam

Balloons at Naadam opening ceremonies

Parachuter at the opening ceremonies.


  1. haha. loving how surgery and cooking require the same garments. do you get to keep the scrubs? i know they will be put to good use when you guys are in med school.

    also lovin the mongolian beer label in cyrillic alphabet and the "since 1927" in english.

    also ALSO the bebes are ADORABLE. the "cute baby at nadaam" looks just like the kiddie in the babies movie!! (although luckily you don't have matching outfits this time jess.. or lack thereof)

  2. Grrrreat Pics!
    I'm going to blow up the one of you and Mathilde being bored in scrubs(not!)
    Loooove the bebe!
    I know the pics of the "short" horses are for my benefit.thx
    I am impressed with Mathilde's chicken cutting skills not surprised at yours.
    getting your name in Mongolian is so you!
    Naadam looks like so much fun. How many days is it?
    J (aka Mom)

  3. Mommy (alazar): We think you should blow up that pic, as it is beautiful and for your information Ingu took over for Mathilda
    directly after that and I was peeling potatos. Naadam has just ended (Sunday to Tuesday).

  4. super cuteeeeeeeeee i love the scrubs
    very epic mountain pictures
    excellent english on your trip itinerary

  5. i missed the pics of you two as gaga
    theyre my favourite
    is the baby drinking fermented mares milk?
