Sunday, July 25, 2010

Gobi Pics :)

Kevin and Laurence at the Sky lounge

Nomad ger (notice the raw meat hanging on the wall)

Sacred Buddhist area

Rock formation with ovoos

A group singing traditional Mongolian folk songs in the middle of a valley

Rock formation

Ger camp 1

Jess throwing a rock while circling the ovoo

Mathilda turning the prayer wheels

Vulture circling above a horse carcass

Village where we ate lunch on day 2

Mommy camel with baby camel

Pulling off the camel fur to make wool

Jess cooling off

Mini sand dune

Cool gecko

Ger camp 2

Flaming cliffs

Flaming cliffs

Gobi Gurvansaikhan national park

"Windstorm of dust"

Khongor sand dunes

Mathilda on sand dune

Jess on sand dune

Ger camp 3

Us riding camels

Mongolians who took us out on the camels

Ger 3

Tribute to the best racing horse ever

The gods of union

Heads of winning horses

Arvaikheer; the province capital

Our favourite toilet (it was really just a hole but luckily had incense)

Our driver in front of ger camp 4

A tipped over truck on the road (ironic because this was one of the only times there was a road)

Us driving through water

Orkhon water fall

Near ger camp 5

Playing Big 2 (chinese poker)

Mathilda rockclimbing

Jess rockclimbing

Ger camp 5

River near the waterfall

Baby goat

Jess holding an eagle (it was really heavy)

Stupas at the Kharhorin monestary

Kharhorin monestary

Cute mongolian musician who performed a traditional concert for us at ger camp 6

Us on horses at ger camp 7

Horhog (mutton made with hot stones)

Pagma (our tour guide)

Posessed sheep and lamb


  1. i want to see more horse carcasses!
    so when you guys come back, will you make us tons of mutton dishes?
    it actually doesnt loook half bad...

  2. I just expanded the "possessed sheep" pic, cool I see what you mean.
    That waterfall looked awesome - did you jump in to cool off?
    If med school dosent work out - I see another profession as an animal handler in your future.

  3. amazing!!! love the one of jess looking sexy on the camel hahahaha
    and you two on the horses, so cute.
    looks like a great trip
